What You Do Next Might be the Hardest Steps in a Long, Beautiful Journey

You stuck?  Stuck in patterns of thinking that are putting you through the spin cycle?  Stuck in emotional pain that feels like a prison?  Stuck between a rock and a hard place because you’ve burned everyone around you?  I have not only experienced these moments in my own life, but as a pastor and friend of others I have looked into the eyes of guys and girls who are stuck.  Many times, in those “I’ve hit rock bottom” moments, your next choice is the most significant because it will set the trajectory of what follows.  If you commit yourself to inviting God into your life and to lead you from this point forward, it will require changing patterns, habits and paradigms that we’ve been carrying with us for so long we don’t even realize that we are in a cycle of brokenness because we keep thinking the same thoughts and acting out the same actions thinking something different is going to happen.

I ‘ve looked into the eyes of hopelessness and known that they are probably right.  Because  it is hard to change.  But here is the earth shattering, world re-ordering reality of the good news of Jesus Christ.  He is risen from the dead and now is reigning and bringing every aspect of this world back under his rule.  His kingdom is here, not in fullness but it will be some day.  His is a kingdom of love, joy, peace, and grace.  A kingdom of resurrection life and power.  I look across my desk, I look across the space between our chairs into your eyes of coldness, sadness and defeat and I think to myself…you’re right.  Your situation is really, really hard.  You willingness to to begin a long journey where you will have to take small steps over a long course of time and allow God to walk you through a whole bunch of brokenness inside of you will be way harder and more challenging either of us probably even know.  And then resurrection reality, Jesus Christ risen reality floods in and over-takes the hopelessness and I know.  I know. I know, because I have seen God transform the most ridiculous situations.  I know that it is possible.  In his grace, by his power it is possible.

But what you do next, your next move might decide the rest of your journey.  What trajectory are you going to pursue.  What outcome will you seek that is different?  How will your vision for life shift?  Because we need a vision shift and not just a quick make-over in these moments.  Something is fundamentally wrong with the way we are looking at ourselves, others and the world around us…and it must change for us to break out of the old ways that keep us stuck.  We may not know what it is, but we must believe that our perceptions are faulty somewhere in order to be open for God to redo whatever he needs to do in our lives.

Sometimes I’ve said it out loud to myself, sometimes I have said it out loud to others.  What you do next may be the hardest step, but it is not normally what is easiest which leads to fullness of life.  Sometimes the road to peace, joy and maturity goes through the valley of the shadow of death.  Here is the good news. God doesn’t wait at the end of the path for you to get there.  He walks with you as your shepherd and guides you through into green pastures.

What will you do?

Practical Next Steps if You’re Stuck Somewhere Deep:

  • Share it with a friend
  • Become a learner
  • Meet with a counselor
  • Don’t quit the journey because it is long.  Be in it knowing it will take 3-5 years to probably be where you want to be
  • Ask for accountability in your life (financially, sexually, laziness, relationally, job…etc.)
  • Don’t run from others when they challenge you
  • Fight with yourself…Fight the voices that say you can’t do it, you’ve already made too many mistakes, this relationship has gone too far, the debt is too much, you’ve got nowhere to turn so its hopeless.  Replace those voices with God’s voice.  Listen for his in the midst of all the condemning voices
  • Never, ever quit.  Never give up.  Ever.  Not even a chance.
  • Find people you want to model your life after and spend time around them
  • Look to God for grace and strength every day.  Don’t try to do it by your own power